
May 28, 2019 Presentation at 50th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics APS Meeting

Presentation: The Structure of Polarized Vortices in the Unitary Fermi Gas

Abstract: Fermionic superfluids do not generally support polarization, and the nature of the ground state of a slightly polarized unitary Fermi gas remains an open question. However, vortices naturally support polarization since the pairing gap vanishes in the core of superfluid vortices. The structure of a polarized vortex is not well understood, and may have some interesting properties. To study the microscopic structure of a vortex, we use a density functional theory called the asymmetric superfluid local density approximation (ASLDA) to simulate how vortexes interact, evolve and how energy transfers between paired and unpaired particles. In this talk, I will discuss the structure and properties of polarized vortices using the ASLDA, and how these related to polarized phases through the Thomas-Fermi (TF) approximation.
  • This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1707691.
Jun 02, 2017 Presentation at 18th Annual Meeting of the APS Northwest Section

Presentation: Arbitrary Dipole Potentials with Controllable Intensity and Phase

Abstract: Optical dipole potentials are a very flexible tool to manipulate the dynamics of ultracold atoms. Here we use a digital micromirror device (DMD) to generate dipole potentials with customizable shape, phase and temporal control. Schemes to generate binary patterns in both the image plane and the Fourier plane are implemented. Distortions in the laser wavefront are removed using a phase front correction scheme in the Fourier plane. The Binarized Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm for generating binary hologram using a DMD will also be discussed.
  • We acknowledge funding from NSF.
May 12, 2016 Poster: 17th Annual Meeting of the APS Northwest Section

Optical Dipole Potentials Using a Digital Micromirror Device

Abstract: Ultra-cold atoms, trapped in arbitrary shaped miniaturized potentials, have interesting applications in many body physics, quantum information etc. Here we use a digital micromirror device (DMD) as a spatial light modulator to generate arbitrary dipole potentials with controllable intensity. DMDs are fast, flexible and economical. Such a device may be very useful for a wide range of Bose Einstein Condensate (BEC) experiments where control over the profile of the light source is required. In order to generate a desired dipole potential, the DMD is controlled by a software system which is being developed in house such that pattern design and simulation work efficiently. It also implements algorithms for other general experimental purposes such as intensity modulation for uniform beams, automatic light profile compensation for non-uniform beams and optical setup assistance. Here we present the current progress of our DMD project aimed towards BEC experiments and discuss the capabilities and limiting factors.
  • This work is supported by NSF.